Saturday, January 30, 2010


absence of whine

Jon Nödtveidt wanted to start this band due to his tendencies towards "dark extreme music." Before Dissection, he played in a band called "Rabbit's Carrot." Nödtveidt was charged with helping murder a homosexual Algerian. He killed himself once he got out of prison, and his body was found next to a copy of Liber Azerate written by Frater Nemidal, leader of the MLO (Misanthropic Luciferian Order, duh!) The MLO (now known as the Temple of Black Light) believe in "Chaosophy". They believe that Chaos is the plane and/or power with infinite amounts of space and time, containing all dimensions, in contrast to cosmos, which only has three spatial dimensions and one linear time dimension. Chaos, unlike the cosmos, is ever-changing. They believe in three forces, three dark veils - chaos, emptiness and darkness, which were expelled from Ain Sof in order to make way for the manifestation of The Black Light in The Outer Darkness that soon became Sitra Ahra. The three forces are the three steps back to a mysterious chaos. But you already knew all about that.


If you think the Earth is alive.

BONG rips

I don't know anything about this band, except that they're from the UK and if you like the way it feels to be a spore exhaling to slow pulsations synchronized with the earth's own exhalations and slow pulsations, or live your own life at the speed of growing and reproducing weeds blowing in the hot desert wind and dog shit melting on VW dashboards as a small kernel slow cooked to organic posole perfection, effortlessly, then you are one with Bethmoora.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Pictures from the Eurotrip.
See the rest here... blah blah blah.
They look as it felt the whole time.

Also, what is just great is how people are just now becoming so smugly comfortable with things like peeing in the bath, masturbating to David Attenborough, and smelling their own shits. Thanks, PostSecret. Now it just needs to be made less anonymous; for every secret posted EVERY SINGLE PERSON you have ever made eye contact with should be sent an e-mail informing them of your devious and shameful idiosyncrasies. Perhaps then we can conquer the imminent fear.


Charles Spearin, finger-friendly bassist from Do Make Say Think and Broken Social Scene interviews his Canadian (yeah how predictable) neighbors and does some cool things to make this cool thing.


And also, here's some "black metal/shoegaze" for you faggots. If you like Dissection, None More Black, My Bloody Valentine, Atsuo Mizuno, and the Spin Doctors, then this is right up your alley. Also, according to Metal Archives, the lyrical themes are usually "old winter, new nostalgia, and melancholy." Well, they are from France.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"Don't disturb my circles!"
Those were Archimedes' last words. Tomorrow I have butt surgery to get my "Pilonodial Cyst" removed. It translates literally into "nest of hair." I've never been to a hospital before and I've never had surgery, among other reasons why I am afraid. My mom destroyed cancer and I'm floundering within the fear of a butt cyst. I am weak. (Duh) Shit dude gently weeps.


This album sounds fantastic today. Evidently Sigur Ros' bassist Georg is referred to as "White Fang" because he can catch trout with his teeth. Sigur Ros is pronounced si-ur rose (the i is like the i in "hit." "Rose" is said very quickly). Everytime I talk about this band to people using the actual pronunciation nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about. If I could glide an inch above the ground in snowy quiet winter somewhere alone, I am hearing this. Singer Jónsi also has a solo album coming out in March, so grab a towel to clean up that mess. There's an mp3 up on