Those were Archimedes' last words. Tomorrow I have butt surgery to get my "Pilonodial Cyst" removed. It translates literally into "nest of hair." I've never been to a hospital before and I've never had surgery, among other reasons why I am afraid. My mom destroyed cancer and I'm floundering within the fear of a butt cyst. I am weak. (Duh) Shit dude gently weeps.
This album sounds fantastic today. Evidently Sigur Ros' bassist Georg is referred to as "White Fang" because he can catch trout with his teeth. Sigur Ros is pronounced si-ur rose (the i is like the i in "hit." "Rose" is said very quickly). Everytime I talk about this band to people using the actual pronunciation nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about. If I could glide an inch above the ground in snowy quiet winter somewhere alone, I am hearing this. Singer Jónsi also has a solo album coming out in March, so grab a towel to clean up that mess. There's an mp3 up on
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